Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fruitland Park, FL - March 2012

Sunset at the Life Enrichment Center, Fruitland Park, FL

As I departed Delray Beach for the more temperate (cooler) northern Florida, I set off a couple of those insect ‘bombs’ in my trailer.  This was my attempt to void the lease apparently set in place by some local inhabitants, emphasize ‘ants’, on my trailer.  During my three-week stay in the warm (e.g., dang hot) southern Florida, many unrelated ants moved in on me.  They were everywhere; not perhaps as numerous as one might think, but certainly more than one, which to me is abundance.  In any amount, they were not welcomed in my home!  Upon arriving at the Life Enrichment Center, Fruitland Park, I could not find any hidden, or not so hidden, stowaways that resembled ants.  Good deal.

The United Methodist Church maintains two facilities near Fruitland Park, FL.  One is the Life Enrichment Center, where I parked my trailer.  The other, located across the road, is the Warren W. Willis Camp, where I was to work for my three-week project.  I liked this area of the world.  It was beautiful, peaceful, quiet, and situated on a lake with lots of trees around.  I found a nature walk around the Life Enrichment Center and used that frequently to meditate, talk with God, and get a little exercise.  Some young boys and girls from Canada were staying at the Camp and using the lake to train in sculling for the Olympics.  Occasionally, I would see them on the lake or walking around the Camp.  It was a peaceful place for them too.

The weather was wonderful; if not a little too warm for what I thought should have been winter.  Clear blue skies, gentle breezes, moss hanging from tall trees, and no traffic noises made this place one to remember and return to when the opportunity arises.  On the down side, insects abound.  Every evening spiders spun webs on and around just about everything.  Caterpillars spun cocoons on my outdoor chairs and trailer wheels.  Small tree frogs found refuge in little nooks and crannies of my trailer and came alive in the evening by sending loud, low noises to do little more than freak me out as I tried to settle in for the evening.  Overall, I loved the place during my short visit.

The people were gracious and delightful.  Most of those whom I came in contact were affiliated with the Methodist Church or involved in mission work, which I believe tends to attract the nicer of the nice.  As I usually do when I spend a few days with a group of NOMADS, I found my coworkers and hosts to be great people.  The leader of our group reminded me of a crusty, old sailor who had spent his life sailing the seas of the world, seeking high adventure, risking his life to fulfill his passion, and dealing with those he encountered by displaying a seemingly harsh outer shell only to reveal his passionate love and concern for others just under the surface.  He allowed me to explore new challenges, expand my skills, and contribute in a way I had not seen in any prior NOMADS project.  All members of the team offered me friendship, caring, and helpful advice to help me fulfill my part in God’s plan.

Two things about Florida I find interesting are few diners and a good grocery store.  I love to find small, country diners where a person can get a good, home-cooked meal.  I do not always favor cooking a well-balanced meal for myself so I tend to seek out local restaurants.  I prefer to find something local, not a chain.  In my mind, chain restaurants have food manufactured in some faraway place, packaged in a plastic bag, and then reheated after the customer orders that particular dish.  No, I would rather eat a dish cooked as I order it.  Perhaps, in reality, the dish is not cooked as I order it, but ignorance is bliss, as someone once said.  As I traveled through Florida for the first three months of 2012, I found it hard to find a local, ‘unchained’ diner.  Perhaps they are out there; I just could not find them.

The second thing is the good grocery store.  Publix is located throughout Florida and it offers a good selection of fresh foods, canned foods, and the like.  The one thing I found particularly favorable is Publix caters to families and the single person as well.  I look for small servings, whether fresh or packaged foods.  Publix seemed to offer that type of packaging as well as variety.

The work I encountered on this project was different from my other projects.  Similar in many respects, but different in that the work allowed me to learn new skills or enhance ones that I had already.  I joined others to clean out a storage area built of concrete block.  We removed old iron-cased windows, cut a door through a cinder block wall, installed strips for mounting drywall, and wired for lights and computers.  Other members of the team installed a suspended ceiling and painted the area.  When we finished, the room went from a stark storage room to a presentable office area.

A highlight was building what is apparently called a Gaga Dodge-ball Arena.  I did not come up with that name and I am not sure if it relates in any way to some lady singer by a similar name.  It is an octagon-shaped wall, three feet high, and about thirty feet across.  I am not familiar with the nature of the game, so I cannot explain it here.  We started with a drawing obtained from an Internet site and a pile of lumber.  I was happy to be part of the decision-making process in determining how to build what we fondly called the ‘greased pig pit.’  I enjoyed using the tools I am still accumulating, and learning HOW to use them.  It was a great experience.

A member of our team has some great artistic abilities.  In another building, she painted a massive mural of a coastal scene with birds and grasses.  Among the grass is hidden a small frog.  She later challenged the team to find the frog.  During a visit with my lovely daughter, who joined me in some hard searching, we finally found the frog.

The two facilities in Fruitland Park offer two separate NOMADS projects.  This location is one where I would gladly return should the Lord be graceful to send me there.

Along the lake at the Life Enrichment Center

At the end of the Silent Trail, Life Enrichment Center

Wonderful serenity

View from the Warren W. Willis Camp

Nature Trail, Life Enrichment Center
Place of Contemplation, Life Enrichment Center
Entrance to Life Enrichment Center
Cabins at Warren W Willis Camp

My campsite - with full hookups
Trench I helped dig for electric line
Making doorway through cinder block wall
Installing strips for hanging drywall
Former storage room amid remodeling

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